Found 904 boys and girls with the meaning of spear
Agamemnon / 9 letters 
Meaning of Agamemnon In Greek, Agamemnon means Leader of the Greek forces against Troy More
Agrippa / 7 letters 
Meaning of Agrippa In Biblical, Agrippa means Antony and Cleopatra', Friend to Caesar, 'The Tragedy of Coriolanus,' Menenius Agrippa, friend to Coriolanus More
Aguecheek / 9 letters 
Meaning of Aguecheek In Shakespearean, Aguecheek means Twelfth Night', also called 'What You Will' Sir Andrew Aguecheek More
Ajax / 4 letters 
Meaning of Ajax In Shakespearean, Ajax means A Greek at Troy More
Alarbus / 7 letters 
Meaning of Alarbus In Shakespearean, Alarbus means The Tragedy of Titus Andronicus' Son to Tamora More
Albany / 6 letters 
Meaning of Albany In Latin, Albany means Derived from a former name for northern Scotland More
Alcibiades / 10 letters 
Meaning of Alcibiades In Shakespearean, Alcibiades means The Life of Timon of Athens' A flattering lord, and an Athenian captain More
Alencon / 7 letters 
Meaning of Alencon In Shakespearean, Alencon means Henry VI, Part 1' Duke Of Alencon More
Alexander / 9 letters 
Meaning of Alexander In Swedish, Alexander means Defender of man More
Alexas / 6 letters 
Meaning of Alexas In Shakespearean, Alexas means Antony and Cleopatra', Attendant on Cleopatra More

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