Found 5 boys and girls with the meaning of rescued
Daff / 4 letters 
Meaning of Daff In Greek, Daff means Bay tree, or laurel tree. The Greek mythological nymph Daphne was rescued from the unwanted attentions of the god Apollo by being turned into a laurel bush. Famous bearer More
Daph / 4 letters 
Meaning of Daph In Greek, Daph means Bay tree, or laurel tree. The Greek mythological nymph Daphne was rescued from the unwanted attentions of the god Apollo by being turned into a laurel bush. Famous bearer More
Daphne / 6 letters 
Meaning of Daphne In Hebrew, Daphne means Bay tree, or laurel tree. The Greek mythological nymph Daphne was rescued from the unwanted attentions of the god Apollo by being turned into a laurel bush. Famous bearer More
Elsa / 4 letters 
Meaning of Elsa In Spanish, Elsa means A , meaning 'my god is bountiful', or 'god of plenty.' Also from the Old German athal meaning 'noble' More
Nimshi / 6 letters 
Meaning of Nimshi In Biblical, Nimshi means Rescued from danger More

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