Found 5 boys and girls with the meaning of percy
Algernon / 8 letters 
Meaning of Algernon In French, Algernon means With whiskers, bearded, In Norman times, when most men were clean-shaven, this nickname was given two mustache-wearing companions of William the Conqueror, one of whom was William de Percy, founder of the aristocratic Percy family More
Henry / 5 letters 
Meaning of Henry In French, Henry means Richard II' Henry Bolingbroke, later 'Henry IV" Hal, later 'Henry V'. 'Henry VI'. Henry, Earl of Richmond. 'Henry VIII' King, & Sir Henry Guildford. 'King John' Prince Henry. 'Henry IV' & 'Richard II' Henry Percy, Hotspur. 'Richard III' Henry VII More
Hotspur / 7 letters 
Meaning of Hotspur In Shakespearean, Hotspur means King Henry IV, Part 1' and 'King Richard The Second' Henry Percy, surnamed Hotspur, son of the Earl of Northumberland More
Northumberland / 14 letters 
Meaning of Northumberland In Shakespearean, Northumberland means King Henry IV, 1 and 2' Henry Percy, Earl of Northumberland. 'King Henry VI, Part III' Earl of Northumberland 'The Tragedy of Macbeth' Siward, Earl of Northumberland, English general, and Young Siward, his son. 'Richard II' Earl of Northumberland More
Worcester / 9 letters 
Meaning of Worcester In English, Worcester means From the alder forest army camp More

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