Found 11 boys and girls with the meaning of alatin
Annabella / 9 letters 
Meaning of Annabella In Gaelic, Annabella means Beautiful grace More
Claribel / 8 letters 
Meaning of Claribel In French, Claribel means ALatin Clara, meaning bright or clear More
Clarice / 7 letters 
Meaning of Clarice In English, Clarice means ALatin Clara, meaning bright or clear. also a variant of Claire or Clarice. Bright; shining and gentle; famous More
Clarissa / 8 letters 
Meaning of Clarissa In Italian, Clarissa means ALatin Clara, meaning bright or clear. also a variant of Claire or Clarice. Bright; shining and gentle; famous More
Claud / 5 letters 
Meaning of Claud In English, Claud means From the French Claude, aLatin Claudium meaning lame. Introduced into Scotland by the 6th century Hamilton family. Famous person More
Claudette / 9 letters 
Meaning of Claudette In English, Claudette means A feminine form of Claud, aLatin Claudium meaning lame. Famous bearer More
Claudia / 7 letters 
Meaning of Claudia In Biblical, Claudia means A feminine form of Claud, aLatin Claudium meaning lame. Claudia was mentioned in the book of Timothy in the New Testament More
Claudine / 8 letters 
Meaning of Claudine In English, Claudine means A feminine form of Claud, aLatin Claudius meaning lame. Famous bearer More
Geraint / 7 letters 
Meaning of Geraint In Anglo-Saxon, Geraint means ALatin Gerontius, from the Greek 'geron' meaning old. Famous bearer More
Gerontius / 9 letters 
Meaning of Gerontius In Welsh, Gerontius means A Latin version of the Greek 'geron' meaning old More

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